Menthol Plus (Iraq)

  • Sku: :   20231205-1804

Reduces the accumulation of mucus and the evacuation of respiratory cavities.

Detail information

Eucalyptus  4.000 mg
Menthol 4.000 mg
Thymol  2.000 mg
Biotin  90 mg
Folic acid 20 mg
Methionine  3.000 mg
Betaine  3.000 mg
Excipient q.s.f  100 ml
- Reduces the accumulation of mucus and the evacuation of respiratory cavities.
- Clears the passage of air into the lungs to improve breathing.
- Improves resistance to various respiratory infections.
- Promotes the growth rate and the consumption index.
Administration and dosage
Dilute in drinking water to the following concentration.
• Camel, cow, goat, sheep: 1-5ml/1liter of drinking water.
• Poultry: 250 ml/1000 liters of drinking water.
Spray method (applied to birds and poultry): dilute at a rate of 20 ml/1 liter of water. Spray (fine nozzle) on the animal (aerial spray or aerosol generator) at a rate of 10 liters of solution to cover 2000 cubic meters.
Withdrawal period
Keep in dry, cool place and keep away from sunlight
Store in room temperature.